Broward Flag Company
527 McDowell Street
Asheville, NC  28803
Toll Free: 1-800-476-3524
 24-Hour Fax: 1-828-258-3388
E-Mail: browardd@aol.com

SHIP TO: BILL TO: (if different from Ship To):
Contact Name: Contact Name:
Company Name: Company Name:
Address: Address:
City/State/Zip: City/State/Zip:
Daytime Phone (in case of questions): Daytime Phone:
QUANTITY Product Description   -   Material (if applicable)   -   Size Price Each TOTAL
Total Amount of Order UPS Ground (rates based on residential - commercial deliveries will be less)
Up to $50.00 $5.85
$51.00- $75.00 $6.95
$76.00-$100.00 $7.95
$101.00-$200.00 $10.95
$201.00-$300.00 $14.95
$301.00+ Call
*Any residential flagpole height of 6' or over will require additional shipping as an oversized packaged. Please add $5.95 to the advertised shipping charge.

Commercial one-piece poles, expedited shipping methods (i.e. overnight, 2nd or 3rd day  UPS) or any products being shipped outside of the continental U.S.A. will cost additional and appropriate rates will be applied-please call for the latest rates.
NC Residence add 7% Sales Tax  
C.O.D Charge (add $7.75 if applicable) Money Order only  
Method of Payment:
__Check or Money Order enclosed
__Visa  __Mastercard __Discover Card __American Express
__ Purchase Order No. (Corporate Only)
__ PO#________________________
Cardholder's Name as Printed on Card:_____________________________
Account#_______________________________Exp. Date_____________